The other evening, hubby and I stumbled upon a documentary series all about feuds and how sometimes they lead to murder.
I am interested in the study of human nature, and the things that compel us to behave in certain ways, and after watching three of the stories, I was struck by the seeming insatiable need for someone to pay for an assumed wrong, whether it was intentional, or even real.
It seems to me that at the core of the need for revenge is a feeling of victimhood. Someone is the source of my pain and they need to pay.
At the core of the feeling of victimhood is the belief that I am not in control of my life, therefore I am not safe.
It would require some degree of personal responsibility, an adult behavior, to believe that I am in charge of my experiences, and therefore it is up to me to make good choices and do good things, despite the temptation to do otherwise, and especially when we have suffered a wrong, either real or imagined.
No. It’s a lot easier to blame someone else and turn over your own sense of well-being to someone else.
Sure. Sometimes things happen that we did not expect, did not ask for or even want to happen. Sometimes people are assholes. We cannot change what other people do or what they think or believe. But we can change how we react to those things. We can choose how to react when someone’s bad behavior affects us in a non-beneficial way.
In no way am I discounting the pain that sometimes is inflicted upon individuals due to acts of violence, whether it be emotional, spiritual or physical. There is evil in this world. The need for justice and the quest to stop those who are evil is an important endeavor. This is not really what I am talking about, although sometimes when justice does not seem to come about, we can allow the pain to affect our ability to continue on with our lives. When our ability to continue to live productive life is affected after an unfortunate event that has occurred due to another person’s malevolent behavior, and we begin to obsess over the punishment that needs to happen, that is when we are actually energetically linking ourselves to the person we most despise.
The belief in revenge is as ancient as the oldest writings known to man.
War is an act of revenge on a large scale.
Cain is thought to have killed his brother in an act of revenge for his father’s seeming favoritism.
We have teachings such as the law of karma that seem to reinforce our need for revenge. We believe at our core that bad people need to pay for their bad behavior.
There are sayings such as:
“Payback is hell.”
“What goes around comes around.”
“An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
I do believe that we all will experience the consequences of our thoughts, words, and actions. There is a universal law often called the law of reciprocity. This law states that the energy you put out will be visited back upon you.
But I don’t think it’s my job to make sure that happens.
And even though it is tempting to desire to witness the ball drop on someone who has wronged me, I really can’t say I need to see someone pay for their shortcomings. In my heart I know there is justice in the universe and there will eventually come balance.
There are those out there in the public eye that seem to be covered with Teflon. No matter what they do, they seem to be exempt from any repercussions. It does make my soul sick when I see how some people suffer at the hands of these “Teflon souls.”
However, it remains important to realize that when I desire to witness what I may innocently call “justice,” it is energetically chaining me to that person, or group of persons, and is not contributing to the highest good in any form.
When you witness or experience a wrong, it is more important to hold onto the understanding that the Universe is in balance, whether it seems like it or not. When things seem to go awry, know that our job is not to witness the balancing of the scales. Our job is to balance the dark with light. Balance the hate with love. Balance self-interest with kindness.
As you know, spirits talk to me. And my husband likes to watch crime documentaries.
In our house, we have a Google speaker which we ask all kinds of things.
“Hey Google, what is the weather today?”
“Hey Google, call my phone.” (I frequently misplace it.)
So one afternoon hubby and I are watching a documentary about the serial killer Ted Bundy.
At the moment in the documentary when he was apprehended, our Google voice, without any prompts from us, blurted out: “I’m sorry.”
I have a little different perspective than most on people who commit heinous crimes. (Fun fact: I just asked Google how to spell heinous.)
Bundy’s girlfriend was mostly exempt from his acts of horror, and seemingly unaware of them, but one time he did try to kill her while they were in a boat together. She reported how she was looking into his eyes, and they went “dark.”
Based on my understanding and interactions with the spirit world, I propose that he had help.
I have witnessed the changing of the eyes when an unwell spirit is present, and I can attest to the truth that yes, there are spirits that we can’t see, and yes, some of them are good and some of them are not.
I tend to call them “unwell” rather than bad or evil.
I believe that when we watch television shows about people, it is drawing in some aspect of their consciousness, and I also believe that Ted Bundy was using Google to express his regrets.
When people do awful things, they probably are acting in tandem with an invisible conscious awareness that they are most likely not aware of. When we address the spirit, not the person, often the human can heal or change their behavior.
There is a law of the universe which states, “what you focus on grows.”
The more you think about, and subsequently talk about the wrong someone is doing, either to you personally, or to the larger community, the earth, or the world, you are actually empowering the very energy you are criticizing.
This is a difficult truth.
The desire to see justice for the wrongs in the world and, especially personally, is as old as human nature, but the only way we can shift the cycle of revenge is to withdraw from it. Yes, I believe in the scales of justice. I believe in the rule of law. I believe that perpetrators need to be apprehended and stopped from their activities. Even though I am not a fan of war, it seems that in our current state of evolution as humankind, sometimes it is the only solution. I also believe that some souls have incarnated to do the work and investigate wrongs and bring victims the justice they need.
But I also believe that the only way to shift the tides is to think about and to speak more of love, forgiveness, and kindness than we do the evils in the world and the wrongs done to us personally or collectively.
The other night I dreamed I was in one of those multi-story malls. I was there with one of my students on the second level. There was an active shooter with a gun. We connected with Divine Love and began to send Divine Pink Light (pink is the color of universal love) down from above to him and the entire mall. After a short time, he relinquished his gun. Then there were many others with guns who began to surrender them to a man with a table set up for that very purpose. The table soon began to fill up with weapons of all kinds.
Sometimes when I have dreams like that, I will hear something that relates to the event on the news, but this time I did not. Despite any evidence that my student and I actually changed any actual event, I do believe that while our bodies slept, we intercepted a violent event with the energy of Divine Love.
Together, let us empower the energy of love and kindness, both to ourselves and to those who may see things differently than we do.
Some souls have incarnated to do the work of justice in the actual material world, but my job is to bring healing and Divine Love to those who are suffering. If I can intercept or shift an event or a wrong by connecting to the frequency of Divine Love, then I am happy to do it, and to suggest you do some form of the same thing!
Let us burst the balloon of hate with the needle of love.
If someone seems to be getting away with something, know that eventually, the scales will balance. We may or may not witness the adjustment.
If you have suffered a wrong from someone, you do not necessarily have to be kind to them or welcome them into your life with open arms. Stand up for yourself and speak out how you were affected by the wrong, but don’t recount the wrong over and over to anyone who will listen. If the opportunity presents itself, address the wrongdoer. If it doesn’t, release yourself from the event as best you can and ask for the highest good to be done for everyone who was affected. And go on with your life.
Let us release our need for payback to the universe, who can exact justice much better than any of us individually. Let us send Divine Love to all for their highest good.
Thank you for your interest in all things “woo woo.”
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Hi Joy,
Such an easy trap to fall into. One person's justice can be another's injustice. One thing that the last several years has taught me is that I must disengage and step back. I must watch what I immerse myself in. When tempted to ask, "How could they...?" I often need to reframe and ask, "Why would they...?" The 1st question is framed in judgment. The 2nd is framed in attempting to understand. For me, this is a more peaceful place to exist.
Thank you again for your insights.
I needed this! Right now, today. Thank you, Joy!