Spiritual Guidance Is Not One-Size-Fits-All
Some Thoughts on Various Aspects of Spirit Communication and Those Who Talk to Spirits
This month, my attempts at posting a weekly article have failed miserably! It is not that I was not talking to the Guides. They come through very regularly for me when I am in sessions with clients and when I am doing various forms of meditation. I just don’t always take the time to write down what they are saying or figure out how to make their messages palatable to those of you who are interested in what they may have to say.
My best intentions are to post an article once a week containing some sort of spiritual message related to what I do, which is to tune into the world of Spirit and offer guidance, healing, inspiration, or information. Sometimes I get so much information from Spirit that I am writing multiple articles and scheduling them ahead of time. And other times, life gets in the way.
September has been one of those months. I have had a fairly large client load (I am not complaining!) and I also host a gathering once a month where this month I taught numerology and then opened it up for the Spirit world to come in and offer messages and healing. I also did a couple of metaphysical events and am in the middle of teaching a Reiki Master course (three full days of training and transmissions of the Reiki frequency).
In my Earth life, my husband and I bought the house we have lived in for seven years, I had a car malfunction (or two), a dental procedure, and a tragedy involving one of our feral cats and her kittens. So September has been packed with activity, both positive and challenging.
In the midst of all that, I did have a couple of sessions with clients where they asked me some questions that I thought would be great to address in a larger context, such as an article. My hopes are that I can alleviate any discrepancy in what you expect when a session does not go exactly as you had hoped, whether you book a session with me or another spiritual communicator.
Every spiritual communicator works differently. Whether someone has been communicating with the Spirit world their whole lives or a short time, or whether a person is a natural-born spiritual communicator or the ability came later in life through training or a spontaneous spiritual awakening, it is important to realize that every spiritual communicator works in their own way, or perhaps according to how they have been trained.
I can’t really speak for how other spiritual communicators work, except I do have some friends and colleagues who also deliver spiritual messages, and from observation I can share how others sometimes work as opposed to how I work, but I would specifically like to address how psychic, intuitive, or mediumship information comes through and what to expect when you go to see a spiritual communicator.
The main difference between a psychic, a medium, or an intuitive is where the information is coming from.
The word “psychic” means “of the mind.” A person who is psychic receives information from the field of information that you may have in your mind, in your aura or energy field, in what is known as the “astral plane” which exists all around us, or even in your memories. When I get in someone’s energy field, I will either see images, hear sounds, taste or smell recognizable or familiar things, or just “know things.” This is using the information that comes to me in my third eye, or my sixth chakra, and comes about when I create an energetic “link” between my third eye and your energy field. I don’t walk around my every day life just tuning into people, despite what you may see on television. I consider that unethical. I can specifically turn this on and off. Normally, if I am just doing regular life stuff, my third eye is not just scanning everyone at the grocery store receiving information. That being said, when I do turn it on, I don’t have a lot of control over the information that comes through, so if you have asked for a specific word or item to come through just to prove I am legitimate, this may or may not happen. So if you say, “What was my grandfather’s nickname for me?” chances are, unless I received that information before you asked, I may not receive that particular information, although it is possible.
The ability to communicate with deceased individuals is a bit different from having psychic abilities. This is called “mediumship.” A medium is standing in the middle between the living and the dead. This entails taking your awareness “up” to a different place where they reside, and connecting with them to receive information. For me personally, I don’t necessarily see them physically with my natural eyes. I may see the individual inside in my inner vision. I may hear things, like “father” or “husband.” Sometimes I will hear names, but this is not my specialty. Normally, I will feel them first. I may feel pressure in my body in the area in their body where they suffered. If they had a heart attack, I may feel tightness in my heart area. If they smoked, I may feel my lungs or my breathing affected, or I may smell cigarette smoke, or I may “see” them holding a cigarette. Normally I will “feel” their basic personality and whether or not you had a pleasant relationship with them. My personal rule is that I would like them to give me three or more identifying characteristics that you can recognize as them. It may or may not be what their nickname for you was! (and probably not!)
The thing to remember is that if I get recognizable qualities of that person, it is important you acknowledge it, for this strengthens the link I have with this person, and they are able to get closer into my awareness so I can receive guidance or a message for you. But if I don’t get the nickname, this does not mean I don’t have your person. I cannot pick and choose what information comes through.
Similar to a psychic, an intuitive also receives information from a person’s aura or energy field, but for me, the information is more of a “feeling” rather than factual information. I may feel pain, anxiety, tightness in the body, or even sickness. Intuition is a “gut feeling.” Sometimes the words psychic and intuitive are used interchangeably, and that is fine, but the difference really lies in where the information is coming from. If it is coming from my mind, it is more psychic. If it is coming from a feeling, it is more intuitive.
I can use my gifts as a psychic, intuitive, and medium interchangeably. Sometimes I will get information using all of these abilities.
Then there is a term called “channeling.”
Channeling is receiving information from another intelligence and then repeating what you receive. It is a bit like dictation. The more a person channels, the more automatic it is, so that a channeler is almost stepping aside and allowing a spirit to use their voice to communicate a message. Some channelers claim they are not even in their bodies anymore, that it is almost like they are asleep. For me, I am somewhat aware of what is being said, but I know that the information is nothing I would have known. Also, after I am done, I rarely remember anything that has been said! I guess the only difference between a medium and a channeler is the degree to which a person allows their physical capabilities to be inhabited by a spirit. A medium normally receives the information from a deceased individual and then translates it into information or guidance, whereas a channeler may receive a connection to a deceased person, an Angel or other High Vibrational Being of some kind, but the degree to which they allow the spirit or Spirit (difference being the degree of evolvement of the spirit) to have control over their physical body, voice and faculties.
Some may fear channeling because they worry they may be opening up their energy field to dark forces, and yes, this is possible, but not likely if you are keeping your vibration very high. Dark or malevolent energies vibrate at an extremely heavy or low frequency, and if you are spending plenty of time keeping your personal vibration high through meditation or a spiritual practice, and making sure you are in a good and joyful place energetically, you can be assured that the information will be coming from a good place. If you are listening to those who channel on television or wherever, just make sure you feel good about them. If they share information that makes you fearful or sad or just “not good” then you may want to steer away from those individuals.
There is a technique in which a medium can channel spirits that are unwell in order to assist them in healing or moving on, but this should not be attempted by novices, and should not be done regularly. Make sure you are spending plenty of time in love and light before attempting to assist the unwell dead.
The other aspect to messages that you may receive is that sometimes you will receive information that you are not able to verify until a later date. This does not mean the person who delivered the message was wrong. If you go see a spiritual communicator, don’t immediately dismiss them because some of the information could not be verified. Wait a bit. Perhaps something will present itself later that will validate the information they received.
I once gave a reading to a girl who later emailed me detailing several aspects of the reading that she had not understood. You can read that in a previous post on a similar subject here.
Here is a testimonial I received recently by email after a session with a client, to show a little bit about how information comes through that sometimes can’t be verified until later.
"Joy's abilities are simply amazing. I came to her looking for answers regarding a lifetime of difficulties with my relationship with my mother. Joy channeled my relatives and gave me information that was transformative and allowed me to release decades of anger and pain. She was able to give me the age that Mom's narcissistic victimhood began. Through Joy's channeling, my grandparent's said Mom was difficult with them as well as others and that it wasn't something personal to me. Joy explained how my father has allowed the behavior, covered up for her and smoothed things over their entire lives to keep the peace. She described a coal miner relative that I didn't know I had. Through research, I was able to identify the exact incident in my Mother's teen-age years and that I did indeed have a great grandfather that was a coal miner. She also taught me how to call in my angels to help me in tough family situations. I have used her techniques and found, to my astonishment, that they work. Joy has helped me to release feelings from my childhood that I've carried into adulthood and find a new outlook for life. "
Another client did not find out the information I had given her was correct until five years later when she went onto one of those ancestry sites and had her DNA tested and found that her father was the illegitimate child of a prince!
When you speak with a spiritual communicator, it is important to go into the session with a sense of positive anticipation of the information that you will receive. Remember that spirit communicators cannot receive information on their own. They are limited to what information is given to them from the spirit world and the ability to receive that information. Even though your loved one certainly knew their nickname for you, this does not mean they are able to transmit that information to the person communicating. Information may come in different ways. Sometimes it is words, sometimes images, sometimes feelings, or smells, or just a “knowing” of information.
If you are developing your own skills, or if you are interested in how spirit communication works, perhaps this has helped you understand a bit how someone like me receives information from the spirit world.
If you are interested in booking a private session, I see clients by Zoom, phone, and in my office in Winchester, Virginia.
I often receive questions about whether I am teaching any development classes on developing the psychic or mediumship senses, and for now, the answer is no. I do one-on-one mentorship but the best way to hone your skills is to practice what you learn. For this reason, I have added an aspect to my local spiritual once-a-month gathering so that my students can have people to practice on after the regular time of meditation and healing. I also have a couple of videos which you can purchase to watch at your convenience.
The biggest and best practice to have to develop these abilities is a personal spiritual practice and time for meditation in order to hone the ability to hold a link with spirit. Without a link, you are powerless to receive information. You also have to have confidence in yourself as you are learning. Believe that spirit communication is not only possible but that you have the power to do it.
I don’t necessarily agree with some who say that we all have this ability. Even though I have legs I cannot run marathons. I may have legs just like a marathon runner, but I do not possess the stamina and physical motivation to run that many miles, although I used to love running! We all come in with gifts and capabilities that are unique and designed especially for us. I have four grandchildren and each of them are completely unique. One is very athletic and loves sports while the other three could care less. One is inherently more spiritual than the other three and has had natural spiritual gifts since she was a toddler. One seems to have natural writing skills and the other one is still young but I am sure will figure it out in the right time. I do not in any way believe that we are all equally gifted. It is important to find your gift and do that!
Whether you are interested in developing your own gifts or you are interested in receiving spiritual guidance or connection, understanding a few important aspects to spiritual communicators and how they receive and deliver guidance and information may assist you the next time you seek guidance or work on developing your own abilities.
Let us all love each other and accept and honor one another’s gifts and capabilities.
We are all one.
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