I was meditating this morning while doing my cardio workout and listening to my favorite techno tunes.
I am one of those people who has trouble meditating sitting still, although I can easily jump into the spirit world when giving messages and healing to my clients or groups of people. I can also easily enter the spirit world when cleaning house, shoveling snow, working in the yard, and driving. (I don’t recommend going out of your body while driving, but let’s be honest, all of us do it!)
By far my favorite way of going into the non-physical world is through vigorous exercise. No, yoga is not my thing. I need to move.
I get all my best stuff when my body is doing something and my mind and my awareness is free to leave my body and go elsewhere.
I used to think that I was the inventor of connecting to spirit while engaged in strenuous exercise but I recently learned that Plato and Socrates did the same thing! Although I am happy to know I am in good company, I am a little bummed that I didn’t think of it first!
Since the weather has gotten warmer, I have shifted my exercise routine a bit in order to be outside. The spiritual effects seem similar, but due to a knee injury a few years ago, my running days are in my past. Walking allows me to appreciate the gifts of Nature a bit more, but sometimes the connection to the Spirit world is a bit harder to access.
Today, Spirit was drawing me back down into the basement to connect on my exercise machine.
I truly think my Gazelle has some portal to a higher dimension. As soon as I begin my workout, the presence of Spirit shows up almost immediately.
Today was no exception.
Today, on my Gazelle, (don’t laugh! This machine most closely resembles running if you do it right!) I decided to tune into the spirit world and see if anyone was hanging around.
Almost immediately, Jesus showed up.
Mind you, he doesn’t always show up. I recently shared that we had begun to write a book together and then he disappeared on me, along with all five chapters we had written together.
That is how I know I am not just imagining things or making things up in my head. Just like living human beings who are sometimes around and sometimes they are not, it is the same with the spirit world.
So that it is clear to you the difference I make between Spirit and spirit, when I capitalize the “S,” I am referring to a Higher Wisdom and when I just say spirit world or refer to a spirit, it could be anything or anyone. It could be a deceased person, a pet, or any sort of energy which has some sort of conscious awareness or ability to communicate with me.
For those of you who are not familiar with a spirit communicator like me, I will give you a little hint of how I know that Jesus is talking to me, or anyone else for that matter, and that the information is not just me, making it up in my head, or a demon, or some other spirit.
Those who are in spirit, whether they are Angels, Guides, Jesus, some other awareness that does not have a living human body, live in a realm that is ruled by vibration and frequency. The frequency scale is measured by how close or far away any person may be from a state of bliss. The Angels, Jesus, and other highly evolved beings are in a very blissful, joyful, and loving frequency. And yes, there are spirits that are not as loving that exist on a lower frequency. The way that I can ascertain whether or not the awareness I am chatting with is a loving, peaceful, high frequency being is how I am feeling at the time of contact.
If I am sick, or angry, or sad, that is probably not the best time to tune in to the high frequency beings of love and light.
In other words, I have to choose to raise my personal energetic frequency up as high as I can in order to connect with Jesus or any other benevolent being.
I guess the reason it is so easy to connect with them when I am exercising is because intense movement makes me really happy. I love it! I also usually have music playing that I love and that makes me feel joy.
I could go down a rabbit hole and suggest that those who are bothered by hauntings and ghosts and yukky energy probably could benefit from the frequency of joy. But I digress.
Another clue that I am tapping into wisdom higher than I am is that I receive information that I would have never thought of myself.
I spent the better part of two years arguing with Jesus when I wrote my previous book with him.
“I am not saying that.”
“I will not publish this book while my parents are alive.” (I stuck to that one.)
I also changed the title I was originally given because it may offend my target audience, said a book agent I spoke with. Journey to Joy was the watered-down title, not the one Jesus gave me. The original title was the title of one of my recent previous articles (can you guess which one!?).
This time I am just going to co-create this with Jesus and see where this journey takes us. I still have conditions that I give Jesus. My conditions are mostly about my husband and family, and are fairly simple.
“Okay, Jesus. Let’s do this. But I want my family to be okay. I can’t completely focus if I am concerned about a family member or have family obligations that may limit what I can agree to.”
Jesus seemed to agree.
He also reminded me that, when he walked the earth, he did not have a marketing plan. He did what he did, and people found him.
I tend to find this is the case for me, too, for the most part. I do a little marketing. Mostly, I just heal people by channeling a Divine frequency which aligns them with their highest good, offer messages from the Spirit world, and write when I have time. If an opportunity arises, I either jump on it or decline.
This time, Jesus wanted me to release some resistance I had to moving forward with sharing some insight he gave me over twenty years ago.
Due to my resistance, I found two articles, one on Substack, and one on Medium, written by other authors, with the same titles to chapters I had written for the book. I think he was telling me I was not obligated to move forward with addressing The Jesus Wound. If I refused, other people would step up.
I released my resistance to moving forward, agreed to share portions of the book here first, and eventually release this book in some form when the time is right.
Today I want to address the conditions we believe we have to meet to find acceptance to God, or whatever we call our Source, our understanding of the Creator, or the Divine.
We all know that there are many sects of traditional religion that believe that there are conditions to finding acceptance and connection. If we don’t meet certain conditions, we are rejected.
The following is an excerpt from the previous collaboration I had with Jesus and what may one day become a book.
Jesus did not die for our sins.
When Jesus first told me this, I was in the beginning stages of my spiritual awakening, which freed me from the prison of religious programming. I can’t remember the year, or what stage of awakening I was in, but I remember the moment he said it to me.
It was the moment that completely changed my life.
I was a night clerk at the Post Office, my main job for thirty-one years. This was before automation, (machines that sort the mail), so I spent eight hours every night sorting mail by hand. Most of us wore headphones and lived in our own little worlds while we mindlessly separated the mail one piece at a time by zip code, or by the route driver who delivered the address on that individual piece of mail.
This was before cell phones became little computers where we can download music or listen to whatever we want via streaming platforms. This was when we had portable cd players and headphones that still had wires! I think walk-mans were a thing then, and iPod had not yet come into existence.
But I had a problem. I am one of those people whose energy field sometimes has an effect on those kinds of devices. They often stop working when I am around. So, I was living inside my head while mindlessly sorting mail, and that is when Jesus would show up and talk to me.
At first, the messages fit inside my Christian world. I would get messages for specific people. I would receive messages which I would share with my pastor, or sometimes a pastor of another church (wow that did not go over well, but what I told him ended up happening!)
At some point, much to my distress, my pastor didn’t like the messages and forbade me from giving any more.
I think it was soon after that that Jesus dropped the bomb on me.
“What if the story of Adam and Eve didn’t happen?” he asked me one night.
“What if it was a parable? Don’t you remember that I spoke in parables? Where do you think I got that idea?”
Wait a minute. I get that a lot of the stories in the Bible are parables. But THAT one?
It never really did make sense to me. Adam was the first man, and Eve was the first woman. They had two children. One of them killed the other one. In a fit of rage, God cursed the brother who had just committed murder and made him wander the earth. So that the people of the earth would not kill him, God marked him in some way.
What people?
At this point there is only Adam, Eve, and Cain.
I have many more questions regarding the story, but that is for another time.
Jesus just told me that the story of Adam and Eve could be a myth or a parable.
Okay. Let’s say Adam and Eve did not actually exist. Then they did not bring sin into the world by disobeying God and eating the forbidden fruit, which ultimately brought sin into the world and made us born in sin unless we accept Jesus as our Savior, who died for the sins of mankind.
Then we are not born sinners?
Then we don’t need a savior to bring us back into right standing with God?
The whole story is falling apart now.
“Okay Jesus. If the story of Adam and Eve didn’t happen, and I am not born a sinner, then you didn’t have to die on the cross for my sins, because I am not separate from God based on something someone thousands of years ago did.”
At that moment, in the dark of night as I sorted mail lost inside my mind, my whole world fell apart.
For thirty-something years I was taught that I was a sinner, saved by grace. That Jesus came to save me from my sins. That my state of sinfulness really had little to do with things I did, but more to do with who I was at my core.
Flawed. Separate from God.
The foundation of the Christian belief system is shame.
We are flawed. It has little to do with what we do but with who we are.
No wonder I spent my entire life before my emancipation from church depressed!
I was completely flawed and it is only because Jesus died for my sins that I am in any way forgiven or saved from a state of separation.
And Jesus just told me it is all bullshit.
I am not flawed.
I am not separate from God.
I am completely accepted, and wonderful, and loved.
Not forgiven. For there is nothing to forgive.
In that moment, sorting mail, in the middle of the night, while the rest of the world slept, the chains fell off. And I was free.
I walked away.
And I never looked back.
If you have lived your life believing that you were born in sin, that it had little or nothing to do with things you did, but it had to do with who you are, that you are separate from God unless you accept Jesus, today is your day of freedom.
None of it is true.
If you have been programmed to believe something for a very long time, over and over, it may take a while for this to sink in.
You are not a sinner. You never were.
If we are to believe that god (lack of capitalization is intentional at this point! I don’t like this version of god!) sent his son to die for our sins, we have to believe that he would not hesitate to sacrifice us for some worthy cause as well. In other words, the god of the Bible is a god who is pretty okay with child sacrifice. He is a god who gets angry, who plays favorites with his children (if he created us all, why does he like some of us better than others and why does he think it is okay to kill one to save the others?)
If this god is my father, I think I will pass, thank you.
The Prime Creator that I have come to know is a Force of Love. Love for all. No questions. No strings attached. Yes, sometimes (HE/SHE/THEY) is one that lets his children make messes and then makes them clean up their own messes. But in the end, it is all about love.
Humans were the ones that came up with the conditions.
Humans were the ones who came up with the story that nothing we do is ever going to be good enough because we are flawed right from the moment of birth.
Humans are the ones who read the ancient texts and decided that this particular thing is still valid but this other one is no longer a problem.
When I was a child, owning a television was a sin. My parents, in order to become members of the church, had to sign a document stating that they did not own a television.
By the time I was seven, I guess God changed his mind, because, we obtained our first television. When I was sixteen, I was allowed to go to the movies.
Today, the sins are a bit different.
But none of it really mattered, because you could be a perfect human, but if you did not accept Jesus, you were still going to hell.
Guess what.
There is no rule book.
You are not rejected.
We will all do things that are really, really, wonderful, and we will probably do things we regret.
But we are never separate unless we believe ourselves to be.
I can hear the protests now.
“Yes, but what about murderers and rapists and other criminals?”
Acceptance has nothing to do with behavior.
There is a law of sowing and reaping, and things we do have consequences.
But no strings attached, means no strings attached.
As promised, here is a prayer to release you from the faulty programming which told you that you were a sinner, are a sinner, are not good enough, and can only find favor with God through Jesus.
“In the name of the Light, I release the limiting belief that I am a sinner and cannot find favor with God without Jesus. I call back my soul which I surrendered to this faulty belief. I run my soul through the shower of Divine Love, and Healing, and Light and then invite my soul back into my current body and incarnation. I declare that I am accepted. I am loved by the Divine. I am enough all on my own.”
Take a moment and allow this to sink in.
Feel your soul, or your life force, coming back into your body and being showered with Divine Love and Healing.
Remember that you are not at fault for giving away your soul.
You gave your soul away to a faulty belief.
You have favor with Source Energy no matter what because you ARE Source energy incarnated into a human body.
You are always accepted.
You are always loved.
Sure. We are living in a flawed society and world. We will make mistakes. We will sometimes perceive things in a way that is a shadow of the truth. That is the nature of living life in the earth realm.
In 1 Corinthians 13, one of the passages that Paul wrote that I actually sort of like, with exceptions, it is stated: “Now we see through a glass darkly, then we shall see face to face.”
This means that we will sometimes get it wrong!
It is important to exercise some self-love here and recognize that yes, we live in a flawed world that is but a reflection of the place of perfection which exists at some level somewhere.
We perceive God, or whatever we want to call The Divine Presence, and reality, and truth in the box of the programs of our society, our family of origin, our environment, and even things that happened to us before we were born here into this human experience. If we are told over and over and over that we are ugly, we will behave as if we are ugly. If we are told we are flawed, and not good enough, and hundreds and thousands of other programs which are instilled into our psyche from birth until now, at some point we believe it. Over time we may rebel against it. Or we may not.
Sometimes the wound remains until we pull out the energetic intrusion and heal it once and for all.
Let us heal ourselves and in so doing, shift the pattern of shame and heal the world.
Thank you for sharing this journey with me! I hope you are enjoying this series of articles based on a possible upcoming book, as well as other articles on all things “woo woo.”
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This subject matter is personal and some days I am terrified to hit the publish button! But I also can’t NOT share. We all need to know that we are accepted and enough and perfect, and we are also flawed, and that is okay too.
If you are interested in finding out more about me, scheduling a private session, or finding out what I have going on in “woo woo world,” check out my website!
Excellent, Joy. Thank you!