I always write these energy forecasts well in advance of the month I am writing about, so as I write this, we are only a bit over half done with June. I am still expecting some things to occur in June that have not yet shown up in our earth experience.
June has been a bit tumultuous energetically. People are reporting bouts of lack of sleep, coupled with extreme exhaustion. Headaches, back aches, and various aches and pains that are unusual. Electronics have been a bit wonky. I am noticing my indoor cat and the feral outside ones behaving in unusual ways. I am hearing unexplainable noises, bangs, and bumps around the house.
As I tune into the energy of July, my heart begins to pound, which is one of the ways Spirit lets me know they are close. It feels a bit like the unpredictability of June is sliding into July, at least for a bit.
My heart pounding is a sign of my relationship to the spirit world. It is how they let me know they are around. This brings me to the overall theme for July.
If I could describe the energy of July in one word, it would be RELATIONSHIPS.
This is not just your primary ones, like lovers, spouses, parents, and children. It could be friendships. It could be work associates. It could be our relationship with other life on planet Earth, like the animals, sea creatures, or even insects. It could be our relationship, whether known or unknown, with those who come from somewhere else other than Earth, like Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, and even our Galactic neighbors. It could be those who used to inhabit a body but do no longer, such as our deceased loved ones or pets.
It feels like the veil between dimensions is getting even thinner than normal. I usually notice a thinner veil in the fall, around October, but lately, I have been noticing the deceased are increasingly close by, some observing, some supporting those who are still here, some even attempting to interfere.
It feels like the intensity of emotion around collective issues is getting more volatile. Remember that when you associate or identify with a certain organization, belief system, political party, or even a club or charity, you are creating an energetic link with the mission statement or intentions of that group. Even if your intentions are pure, you have to be careful who you align yourself with.
My intention is always love. When on the very rare occasion that I am faced with the energy of hate, I never respond back with equal measure. I normally just walk away, delete, block, or ignore. I don’t need to respond or attach my energy into defending myself, arguing, maligning, or accusing anyone of anything. On the other hand, I am human. On occasion I do lose my cool (usually in traffic!) but I try to cross out any emotional responses that are not loving and send the energy of love to the offender.
In numerology, the number associated with the energy of July, 2024 is 6. July is the seventh month, we are in an 8 year, and if you add the 8 and the 7 you arrive at 15. If you add the 1 and the 5, you arrive at 6.
Six is the number of relationships and karma.
Our collective relationship with our fellow humans is paramount. Are we looking at our brothers and sisters through the lens of love, or hate, or indifference? In July, we may experience some karma in respect to how we behave in our relationships. If we own our weaknesses and attempt to make amends when faced with our own shortcomings, we should be okay. If we judge others, in any way, we may get that returned back to us in some way.
The intensity of the battle between love and hate may get even more volatile in July and as we head into the second half of the year. It is important, as we awaken to a higher version of ourselves and an expanded consciousness, that we project love both inward to our own soul and outward to all that is outside of ourselves.
Remember that hate cannot be combated with more hate. We must project the energy of love in order to raise the frequency of the planet and help awaken others to the force of love.
The Tarot cards associated with the numbers 15 and 6 are the Devil and the Lovers.
If you look at these cards, you can see similarities. Both cards have a man and a woman, but the feeling of the card is much different. I don’t believe in an actual devil, although I do believe there is non-physical energy that is not very nice. I do believe in Angels, so it would stand to reason that if there are benevolent spirit helpers there are probably also similar energies that are the opposite, but I do believe that religion has used the idea of the devil to do a lot of harm and create fear, so, just as I do not give my attention to the energy of hate, I also do not give any power to the idea of a devil.
I do believe that there are humans who do harm, and carry on the work of malevolence. It stands to reason they are perhaps controlled or at least influenced by some evil-intentioned energy. But that is not the main purpose of today’s post.
If we are to look at these two cards, it seems we are faced with a choice. We can choose love or we can choose hate. We can choose freedom or we can choose bondage. We may be faced with these choices in some way in our relationships this month. Are we going to choose to be free, and loving, and kind, or are we going to choose aggression, or judgement, or hate?
These cards may also suggest that it is time to free yourself from some relationship that is no longer beneficial. It may encourage you to ask for assistance from the benevolent spirit helpers in making a decision, or being released from some sort of debt or bondage.
One of the mistakes we sometimes make in relationships is to mistake the energy of love for sacrifice. We have been taught that the loving thing to do is to sacrifice our own wants and needs for those of someone else. We have been conditioned to believe that attending to our own well-being is selfish, if it creates distress for someone else.
This is not true!
If we love ourselves, we will attend to our own needs and wants in the same way we attend to the needs of others. There needs to be balance and equality in the giving and the receiving of love. When we are in a relationship with someone, unless we are in a supportive role of some kind, we need to feel that the giving and the receiving in the relationship is equal. If it is not equal, then there needs to be an adjustment.
In long-term relationships, there are times when we are placed in a position to be more of a giver than a receiver. This is fine, as long as it is not something we have been doing the whole time. Over time our roles change. If we give to someone out of love, we will not mind if the giving and the receiving are sometimes not equal. However, if this becomes expected, then, resentment begins to build.
I often fix my husband’s coffee in the morning, even though I do not drink coffee. He has often commented that I am not required to make his coffee, and even though he appreciates it, he does not expect it.
My response to him has always been that the day he expects me to make his coffee is the last time I will do it.
When we give to someone, expecting to be given back in return, we are creating a disharmony. There seems to be the expectation of a debt that needs to be repaid. If the giving and receiving are naturally equal, this feeling does not occur.
The word debt reminds me of karma, which I mentioned may show up this month. Karma is the repayment of some sort of debt. We incur karma every day in our words, our thoughts, our attitudes, and our actions.
Karma is not punishment from some vengeful god.
Karma is simply the law of reciprocity in action. If we plant a garden, at some point, we receive some vegetables, or flowers, depending on what we planted. If we plant tomatoes, we cannot complain if we don’t get green beans. It is important to plant kindness and love in order to receive that back to us.
Since time is speeding up, it seems that we are reaping our karma more quickly these days. If I accidently cut someone off in traffic, usually within ten minutes someone does the same to me. With every word or action, be mindful of whether you would like to be at the receiving end of what you are dishing out.
One way to incur good karma is to do something kind every day. It works even better if no one knows you did it! When we announce to everyone that we have done a good deed, the praise we receive in return is our reward. Do kind things just because it is the right thing to do and because it makes you happy! Don’t do things in order to get something back.
When we give out of an attitude of love, it never occurs to us to expect to be repaid. Love completely eliminates feelings of inequality, because when you love, you do not feel the need for reciprocity. This is what is known as unconditional love. Love that does not need to be equal, or even returned. It is love for the sake of love.
These are principles which we should live by every month, not just July!
Remember that these themes are collective, so your individual experience may vary, based upon the numbers of your birthday, your soul purpose, and individual themes. If you would like to know what your purpose is, what your individual theme for the year or the month are, what you have to look forward to, what things may be keeping you from experiencing your highest good, possibly an individual session may interest you! I do private sessions by phone, Zoom and in person in Winchester Virginia and in various events which I have posted on my website.
I hope your experience of July is amazing, and that your relationships thrive. If you have enjoyed this post, and others, consider supporting my work with shares, likes, and subscribes. You know the deal.
Hi Joy, I'm somewhat confused by your July commentary. First, it speaks of relative equality in relationships (i.e., not just giving); but later, that unconditional love doesn't deal in equality. Can you explain? Thanks. Kathy Moore
My point was not that all was going to be harmonious or balanced in our relationships, but rather that these themes would come up for us and we would need to face issues in those areas. How we respond to situations that come up will determine how things play out. Each of us have different lessons and opportunities for personal growth. This month these opportunities will likely come in how we behave in our relationships. Whether we experience the lovers or the devil depends on our own circumstances and karma. I hope this helps.