“Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope. A slight change and all patterns alter.” Sharon Salzberg
Recently I have had a few clients who have inquired about timing issues. One is trying to sell her house, and buy another one and is curious as to the timing of the sale. Another client is on a break from her love interest, and is interested to know if and when they will reconcile.
I really try to avoid questions involving timing because in truth, time does not exist.
In numerology, I can, with general certainty, predict a certain theme may show up during a specific time frame. But how that unfolds is different depending on where the person is in their own personal journey of their soul.
Albert Einstein is famous for his general law of relativity, which talks about how time and space can fluctuate based on gravitational pull and other factors.
I also believe our consciousness expands and contracts our experience of time.
In quantum physics, we are taught that our awareness or conscious observance of certain patterns or experimental activities can alter the outcome.
In my own personal lifetime of experiences, both with my own life and in my sessions with clients, I have been able to shift events and the timing of certain events based on rituals and statements of intent. However, when more than one person is involved, certain predictions of events can certainly shift when the consciousness of one or more of the people involved shifts.
In offering manifestation rituals to clients, or friends and family, I always stress the importance of leaving out the names of any specific individuals when declaring your intentions. Not only may this alter your success in achieving any desired results, but may also affect those individuals and their experience of life.
When I was working at the Post Office, I was told I would never be approved for a transfer from the office where I worked to an office closer to home, due to my tendency towards vehicle accidents (a different story for a different time). At the time, I was commuting an hour and a half each way every day. At some point, I decided to try a ritual. I drove over to the Post Office near my home and drove around that Post Office three times, declaring that I was approved for a transfer to that office and was transferred easily. I don’t remember the exact words I used, since this happened over thirty years ago, but the result was surprising, even to me, who was just learning the power of my words and intentions.
The next day after I did the drive around the Post Office, I received a phone call from the supervisor at the office where I desired to work, who arranged my transfer within a week of the ritual!
If timing was set in stone, this would not have happened!
Sometimes, despite all rituals, prayers, and intentions, things we desire in our lives seem to be delayed. This is normally when people reach out to me.
It is my belief that we can intervene in certain areas of our lives, and in other areas nothing will change despite anything we do to make something happen.
In other words, sometimes rituals, prayers, and intentions work, and sometimes they don’t.
Sometimes, it is also true that the harder we chase after something, the longer the delay.
The truth is, time does not exist.
I have always said that Spirit is notoriously bad with timing, and one of the reasons I believe this is true is because time and space do not really exist, except in our experience here in the Earth realm.
I do believe we can shift the timing of certain events when we shift our consciousness.
When we are worried, stressed, angry, or grieving, time sometimes seems to stand still. When we go to bed angry and have trouble falling asleep, for example, it can seem like an eternity before the sun comes up. When we are engaging in an activity we enjoy, however, time seems to evaporate. We forget to eat. We forget to look at the clock. Then at some point, we become aware of how much time has passed.
Let’s look at the ever-popular subject of love.
There is a popular line in many wedding ceremonies that goes something like this…” When two people are meant to be together, there is no force in heaven or earth which can stop the union.”
Even though I have said these very words at many wedding ceremonies, based on my experiences as a wedding officiant, I have to say that this is not always true.
The wonderful man I am currently married to was not always in my radar as a love interest. I knew him for quite some time before we began dating. But external factors were such that neither of us was in the market for a love interest.
Each of us had certain relationships in our lives which ended, and suddenly we found each other. Prior to our marriage to one another, we still had the opportunity to choose differently.
We have to realize that some events are fated. These events are going to happen without any action on our part. The sun will always rise in the morning and set in the evening, even if weather conditions prevent us from observing it happening. Fated events are events which are going to happen no matter what we do to intervene or stop them from happening.
Some things are destined to happen, which I believe is a little different from fated events. Certain events, relationships, and chapters in our lives have a very good potential to happen, and may offer us growth opportunities, but sometimes can get intercepted or delayed by a number of factors. I believe we have certain goals which we come into each lifetime, with the intention of completing these goals. I call them “soul contracts”. We may come in to life to work on how we handle relationships, or to finish up old unfinished business with souls we have met up with in other lifetimes. We may come into life to be a business owner, or to change the world in some significant way. These are not necessarily fated, but they have the potential to occur, if certain conditions are met as we navigate through life.
And then there is free will, which states that we get to choose. We are responsible for our own lives. We can say yes or no to events or opportunities and then our projected path will either change or stay the same, depending on what we choose.
When attempting to divine when a house will sell, or when or even if a love interest will return, we have to understand that each of these events and the timing of these events can alter depending on what other people choose, what our motivations, hurts, fears, or wounds are, and what our souls can ultimately learn from the experience.
In short, when we add in the unpredictable components of our consciousness and the consciousness of other people, events can shift.
Just as the colors of a kaleidoscope shift with the turning of a knob, if one person in a situation changes their mind, the whole picture changes.
We are not slaves to fate. We are active participants in this game called life.
Yes. Sometimes events happen which are out of our control, which we consciously may or may not necessarily have chosen. Do we choose to have certain health conditions? Do we choose to be involved in car accidents or to leave life prematurely? The answer to this question is complicated. The truest answer is: sometimes.
Sometimes we may contract an illness due to an environmental component. Maybe our work environment was not safe or we ingested certain things which caused the illness. Or perhaps our stress levels were off the charts and this affected our health. Perhaps we made bad choices. Perhaps we inherited a tendency to a certain health condition. It is a well-documented and perhaps provable theory that certain unhealed emotional tendencies get stuck in certain body parts, and if unresolved, can create physical illness. Even though we did not consciously choose to create an illness, we may have lacked the ability to heal the trauma, kick the bad habit, or make better choices.
The best stance to take when it comes to Divine Timing is to surrender to what you cannot control, assume that the Universe is working everything out for your benefit, and change the things you can control. If you need to pay down some debt or save money for a down payment before applying for a mortgage, do those things. If you need to work on releasing wounds from prior relationships before searching for the next one or hoping the last one comes back, do that. After you have done all that you know to do, then rest in the knowledge that the Universe is friendly, and everything normally works out.
One of the things we often misunderstand is what is the highest good. Often we think it is something different than what it really is. We may really think it is our highest good to win the lottery, but if our soul chose to come into life to learn about working hard or earning what we achieve, then winning the lottery may not be “in the cards” for us.
We are in a point in history when time seems to be fluctuating. Sometimes it feels like it is speeding up, and sometimes it feels like time has stopped completely. The Earth’s gravitational pull is shifting, which also affects time. Many people are reporting “losing time,” when they become aware that more time has passed than what they can recall or account for.
The best that we can do is to surrender to the understanding that if we are aligned with our highest good and surrender to the Universe the need to control certain factors in our lives, everything tends to work out. This is dependent on our ability to release the tendency to hold onto moments in our past, either through fear, regret, longing, grief, or trauma, or to hold onto what we desire for our future but may be afraid will not happen.
Remember that when you heal some areas of your past which have haunted you, it shifts your present and your future.
When doing soul healings with my clients, sometimes I uncover past traumas, either in their past in this lifetime, perhaps other lifetimes on Earth or otherwise, as well as inherited unhealed trauma from ancestors. We are a combination of the consciousness we are connected to in this lifetime, those conscious or unconscious pieces of our past lives, and tendencies our ancestors passed down to us. Each of us is a unique fingerprint of consciousness that is also a human incarnation of Divine energy. When we begin to become aware of wounds which we or our ancestors suffered, and do the work of healing these traumas, we can shift our timelines to a more happy and content experience of life.
We become less concerned with things we don’t “know” and more present in the current moment in time.
The need to “know” what is going to happen or likely to happen is often the culprit in our own suffering. If we fear a less than positive future, we are more likely to experience some version of what we are afraid of.
Let us, instead, rest in the assurance that time is unfolding exactly as it should. Surrender to the unknown components of life, and look at the unknown as an exciting adventure to be enjoyed moment to moment, not a factor to be controlled, manipulated, feared, or micromanaged.
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Really enjoyed this a lot! So good!