December Themes and Energies
What Does Numerology and the Tarot Predict for the Month of December?
I know I have been a little absent on this platform, as my last post was about a month ago, where I chatted about the energies at play for November. As I mentioned, November was a month of new beginnings, and change, and those things absolutely played out in our world. The election has been extremely emotional for many people, as we prepare ourselves for a huge change in how we live our lives and who is in charge of things.
December may be a bit of continuation of some of those themes, and this month, some of the upsets and changes that occurred last month may reveal some hidden truths.
In numerology, December 2024 is an 20/2 month. As I have explained, we arrive at the number for the month by adding the number of the month to the number for the year. If we add the 12th month of December to the 8 for 2024 (2+0+2+4=8), we arrive at 20.
In astrology we also have a couple of planets retrograde, but I am not an astrologer, so you will have to follow up with whoever you trust with that information. (Here is one right here on Substack who I really like)
When I think of the number 2 in numerology, I think of a slower moving energy. The number 2 is all about patience. It is about going within yourself for wisdom and seeking the Divinity within. It is about secrets. It is about nurturing others. It is about community. Just as the number 1 is a more masculine number, the number 2 is more feminine. It is about love and connection.
In December we have the most highly commercialized holiday of the year, but one that originally was supposed to signify a time for inner reflection. Even before Christianity highjacked December and claimed it as Jesus’ birthday (he was likely NOT born in December), it was a celebrated time of the longest night and the shortest day. It was a time for honoring the season of winter.
Winter is a time of year when it is darker for more hours than any other time of year, depending on where in the world you live. We should have more time for inner reflection. We should be slowing down. We need to allow ourselves to rest from the hard labors of the other seasons. Now, in our modern world, we don’t take the seasons seriously. In a sort of weird and very imbalanced way, in December we are more stressed than normal. We are encouraged on all sides to buy presents (I am not opposed to buying presents! I love giving and receiving them!). We are planning get-togethers with family and friends. We are decorating our homes and running here and there shopping and attending holiday functions.
If we do look at the symbolism of the birth of the Christ, we can easily see that the birth of the Christ child could represent the birth of hope, of a renewed sense of spiritual awareness. In order to really realize the awe that is supposed to accompany this time of year, it is important to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and spend some time in some sort of spiritual practice. Engage in self-care. Seek out some sort of spiritual community of your choice.
With the planets and the numbers encouraging us to slow down and take life a little easier, it is important to listen to the call and schedule some time of rest, inner reflection, and listening to the voice of your soul. As we close out the year of 2024 and prepare for a new year, it is vital for your spiritual well-being to do some reflection on the past year. What have you experienced? Were you so busy or so stressed that you missed out on life’s blessings?
Now I would like to look at the Tarot cards associated with the numbers for December. As I said, December is the 12th month of the year. This year is an 8 year. If we add 12 to 8, we arrive at 20. We could also take the 1 and the 2 from December and add them to the 8 and arrive at 11, which also ends up adding up to 2.
We have three possible Tarot cards representing the month of December.
Card number 20 is the card of Judgement.
Judgement in the Tarot is a time of awakening to truth. It is a card that indicates that some aspect of life is about to change dramatically. It could represent a spiritual awakening. It could indicate a time of the reckoning for past thoughts, words and actions. It is sometimes a card of Karma. Sometimes it indicates actual physical transition from earth life to whatever comes after that. Sometimes it signifies actual contact with angels or spiritual beings. In 2020, which was the Judgement card doubled, there was tremendous transition as we lost many of our loved ones to Covid. It was a huge loss of life, and we even lost the ability to hold funerals or to say goodbye to those who were transitioning, which created a huge traffic jam in the astral realms. I am not necessarily saying this is going to happen, but the judgement card is no card to take lightly. It does feel like some sort of significant event is possible in December.
Card number 11 is the Justice card.
I will chat about this one a little less since it is a bit of a stretch to even include this one, but it seems significant in some way.
The Justice card can indicate actually court cases, the law, the people who govern us or rule us, and how they are behaving. It can be about balance, which I have already chatted a little about. If your life has gotten out of balance, perhaps it is time to take some time off from whatever has been creating imbalance. It is easy to get out of balance in the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We probably eat too much, perhaps drink too much, spend too much money, and get stressed out over things that society pressures us into believing are important things. Take time to breathe. Slow down. Only participate in holiday traditions that give you joy.
Card number 2 is the High Priestess.
This card encompasses the energy of self-reflection, spiritual practice, and spending time with your soul, as I previously mentioned. It is THE card of intuition. It is the card of the Sacred Feminine. Over the centuries, the Sacred Feminine has gotten marginalized by a patriarchal society, a mostly patriarchal religious indoctrination, and even sometimes danger for those of us who follow a more balanced understanding of spirituality. Women spiritual leaders have historically been treated with less respect than men, and even with the recent election, we realize that many still prefer men over women to have leadership roles. When I was a child and being raised in traditional Christianity, the only hope for me was to either be a Sunday School teacher or marry a man who was a minister, neither of which I did. Women spiritual leaders were absolutely forbidden. These days it has improved, but, overall, in traditional society, we still have far to go before we receive the same respect and honor as the men do.
The High Priestess card also sometimes indicates secrets and information which is not readily known or out in the open.
Here we are in the 21st century. We should be emerging from patriarchy, but we still have a long way to go, it seems. This month may be the beginning of a shift of some kind.
If you set aside the spiritual side of these cards, in our world, there may be one or more significant events (Judgement) that we did not see coming (the High Priestess). Those who are in charge or govern us (Justice) may be a significant theme.
In our personal lives, our own birthdays indicate what kind of personal month December is for us. Individually, our own numbers may be different, so our experience of this month may hold other events. However, the collective theme will certainly affect our personal experiences.
You can find your personal number for the month by adding together the month and day of your birthday to the current year, if you have already had your birthday this year. I normally believe that our year begins on our birthday, not on January 1st (unless that day is your birthday.) Your theme for the year begins on your birthday, which you can find by adding the month and day of your birthday to the year of your most recent birthday. Then, each month, take that number and add it to the number for the month.
If you are interested in more information about what your theme is for the year or the month, consider a session with me! I do sessions by Zoom, phone, and in person if you live in my area. You can find out more HERE.
No matter what your personal theme for the month is, I would suggest some time of inner reflection this month. Don’t allow yourself to be so busy that you do not take time for self-care. If you see people struggling around you, reach out your hands to be of assistance. Send thoughts, prayers, positive energy or good vibes out into the cosmos and to all who share the Earth and call it their home. Send the same to yourself.
Spend the holidays in ways that give you joy.
Don’t judge others for the way they choose to celebrate or not celebrate.
The only rule is love.
Have a blessed and joyful December!
Thank you so much for your interest in my musings from what I affectionately call “woo woo world.” If you are interested in finding out more about me, check me out here!
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