August Themes and Energies
Combining numerology, Tarot, and Spirit for an overall theme for the month
It’s that time of the month again when I give any insight from Spirit on the energies at play for the month.
If you look back over my messages for the month of July, 2024, you may remember that we were presented with a choice. We could choose love or we could choose hate. We know from the news that some are choosing hate and division. This theme seems to be even more volatile as people become more divided over politics and beliefs. It is extremely important to focus on the energy of love as we head into the fall and the end of this year. The violence may become more widespread even than it was in July.
Remember that numerology, tarot, and even astrology does not take away our free will or our creative abilities. They are like a GPS, showing us where we may end up depending on our choices. All of the numbers in numerology have their positive and not-so-positive qualities. And sometimes in order to get to where we need to be, some chaos may occur.
It is kind of like road construction. If a two-lane highway is being expanded into a four-lane highway, sometimes it becomes necessary to dig up the old road, create a detour, close lanes temporarily, and slow down the traffic on the road in order to complete the project.
That is what August feels like, and the cards associated with this theme agree. In order to arrive at these particular tarot cards associated with the energy for a particular month, I did not randomly choose these cards. I use a combination of numerology and tarot to get a feel for the energy of a particular month.
In numerology, we are currently in an 8 year, which is all about power, money, self-empowerment, and harvest. Collectively as a human species we are having all sorts of themes revolving around the struggle for power. In the U.S. we have a presidential election. In other parts of the world, countries are at war over power. Some are also involved in the transfer of power. Religion and fear-based belief systems are beginning to erode, but those who align themselves with these beliefs are very willing to do radical things to keep or gain power. They are doing so out of an old paradigm that tells them that God is not love at all, unless certain conditions are met.
Before we as a human species can evolve into a collective consciousness of love, these things have to be rooted out and exposed as propaganda and false beliefs. Because these beliefs have been around for thousands of years, they normally do not go away without a fight.
If we add August to the mix, which is the eighth month of the year to the 8 year (8+2+0+2+4) we arrive at 16.
The tarot cards associated with the number 7 and the number 16 are the Chariot and the Tower.
The chariot is all about attempting to move forward despite obstacles in one’s path. As you can see, this particular chariot has two sphynxes sitting down in front of it. Not a lot of progress can be made if the chariot is being pulled by these two! The energy around the Chariot in the Tarot can predict car repairs, travel delays, or events around travel or movement. In astrology, Mercury also goes retrograde this month, which corresponds to travel delays and all sorts of communication or technology issues. Obviously, technology has to do with the movement of information or communication, so if you are trying to move, travel, or get a project moving forward, just make sure you do your homework. Get your car maintenance done. Check your tires.
The Tower in the Tarot has to do with the toppling of systems. Sometimes it has to do with actual physical structures, like homes and buildings. Sometimes it is the systems that we allow to give us some sense of structure. Sometimes it is beliefs that get toppled. It could be some aspect of government or world powers or leaders. It could indicate that our sense of security is suddenly and unexpectedly struck down, as if by lightening. Yes, this card could indicate some possible weather events that destroy homes or other buildings.
When we build our lives on certain beliefs or even relationships, and we suddenly become aware of a truth or when something suddenly happens to break up our home, our faith, or our lives, the Tower could describe that experience. When I entered into my spiritual awakening, and realized that the faith I believed in was flawed, my identity and everything that I had built my life on suddenly fell to the ground. I left my church, divorced my husband, and turned off my ability to deliver messages for several years. That was my personal Tower experience. The entire experience did not occur in one day, but the truth that was revealed to me came suddenly and unexpectedly.
If you are moving your home, the Tower would also fit, especially if the move came after something sudden or unexpected. You are packing your entire life up and going somewhere else. The experience may be a bit chaotic, but it will end up being okay, as I described earlier about the process of road expansion.
It sounds so far as if August may not be all that fun, but this is not necessarily the case! There are a few things that could alter your own personal experience in August.
The first factor is your own personal soul contract and purpose. This can be determined by your own personal astrology chart or your own numbers. If you add up your month and day of birth to the current year, you can find your own personal number. If your birthdate was prior to today in 2024, then use the current year. If you have not yet had your birthday this year, use 2023. Remember that your personal year begins on your birthday, not January 1st.
To find the energy for your own personal month, you would then take your personal year number and add it to the month of August, which is 8.
We all experience life in ways that are unique to our personal soul purpose and contract.
Not everyone can experience chaos at the same time. Someone needs to be okay personally so they can offer support to others who are suffering. If you are okay, then try to offer support to those around you. Send thoughts, prayers, and intentions to all who are suffering in the world, or are struggling with their beliefs or life circumstances.
The other thing to remember is that you are the Divine having a human experience. You have free will and can decide how some of your life experiences are going to go. Some outside circumstances may be fated, or unchangeable, but how you react or respond to life will determine whether you struggle or fly through easily. I have written a previous article on my personal understanding of the difference between fated events, or things we can’t change, and destiny, which is more about the potential or the probable future outcome.
I believe we can choose to create a joyful life despite any challenges we are facing. We have to remember that the future is not set in stone. There are indicators that certain things will happen or will probably happen, but we can choose to stand in love and joy and raise the frequency of our collective consciousness so together we can create a better world.
The number 7 in numerology is a very spiritual number. If we engage in our spiritual practice, we will likely sail through August easily. We may have some very intense spiritual experiences. Some believe that the Creator of All exists in the seventh plane of existence. You may become more aware of a spiritual gift or purpose in August. You may have some sort of interaction with Benevolent Beings.
I am excited to be joining with fellow spiritual intuitive Christen McCormack for an event which we have called An Afternoon of Healing and Messages with the Angels in late August. We separately experienced the same vision of creating space for the Angels to come work through us with a group of people, and created an event to host the Angels and allow Them to work with those who attended. This event quickly sold out, so we may do another one at some point in the future, but we are excited to see how Spirit shows up for this event!
The best way to navigate August is to release any fears associated with the unknown or with potential world events and instead, focus on Divine Love and Joy. Be peace and be at peace. The only thing that can be guaranteed is that life as we know it is changing, and sometimes chaos happens in order to bring about a positive eventual outcome. Life is temporary. Nothing remains the same. Suffering comes when we attach ourselves to the past or how things used to be or with an unknown future. Go into your heart-space and feel the energy of Divine Love whenever things seem to get a little chaotic.
If you are interested in a private session with me, I do private sessions by phone, Zoom, and in person in Winchester Virginia, or in various events which I have listed on my website.
I offer a daily message on Facebook and Instagram.
You can find out where I am going to be and what I am doing, as well as schedule a private session by checking out my website.
Let’ join together in our heart-space and send out the frequency of Divine Love to all who are experiencing challenging circumstances. BE the love you wish to see in the world and together we can bring our world to a collective experience of peace and mutual acceptance.
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The illustration of roas construction is super!